Guest researchers

vegetationResearch from guest researchers is certainly welcome in the Hustai National Park. The Mongolian scientific staff is responsible for the execution of an extensive monitoring program and the supervision of Mongolian students. Therefor, time to assist guest researchers is limited, as well are accommodation places. A procedure for foreign students and scientists for application was developed.

What to do if you want to do research at Hustai National Park?
  1. Summit a research proposal or study program to the research manager of Hustai National Park Administration,

2. On the following issues supplemental information will be required:

•  Personal data, such as name, place and date of birth, nationality, permanent address and a curriculum vitae.

•  Information about your education: secondary school, academic education, and other education.

•  Knowledge of languages.

•  Current occupation and experience in the field of interest.

3. Please, write on how long you want to stay, and what acquirements you need for doing your field work at Hustai National Park (computer, what kind of assistance do you expect from the staff, etc.).

4. Hustai National Park must have received your application before December 1st of each year.

The received proposals will be discussed in the scientific staff. You will be answered as soon as possible (within three months).

Main selection criteria
  1. The research proposal or study program has to fit in with the research plan which is being executed at Hustai National Park.

2. The research proposal or study program must add value to the research plan as it is currently being executed at Hustai National Park.


1. At the end of your study period it is expected of you to hold a short presentation on your work before the staff of Hustai National Park.

2. Within a period of six months after having left Hustai National Park you must summit a report on your work to Hustai National Park.
3. Since the Park has very limited funds to bear the costs of its management activities in the Park, you have to pay for your transport, food (a cook is present), accommodation and services. On request the staff will inform you about the costs per day.

As soon as all parties have agreed upon your proposal you will receive a contract with the conditions, rights and duties for both sides.

The information has to be sent to:

Hustai National Park, Administration

Mailing address: P.O. Box 1160, Central Post Office, Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongolia

E-mail: takhi@hustai.
