Overview of the financial contributions 1990 – 2004.
The Acquisition of the Przewalski horses (€ 270,000.00) and the costs of keeping them in the Dutch and German semi-reserves (€ 150,000.00) was made possible thanks to the financial contributions by the following private institutions: WNF-Nederland, Thys Nix Stichting, M.A.O.C. Gravin van Bylandt Stichting, Martina de Beukelaar Stichting, Stichting J.C. van der Hucht Fonds, Stichting Prins Bernhard Fonds, Bredius Stichting, Stichting Elise Mathilde Fonds, Haëlla Stichting and Stichting K.F. Hein Fonds. Naturally, the regular subscribers of the Foundation also had their share in the realisation.
Shipment of a total of 84 Przewalski horses to Mongolia
Thanks to the generosity of the following fund supplying institutions in the Netherlands the Foundation was able to endow the five shipments (1992 – 2000) of Przewalski horses from the Netherlands to Mongolia (€ 480,000.00):
- Stichting DOEN
- Stichting Prins Bernhard Fonds
- IONA Stichting
- Stichting Dieren Rampenfonds
- Stichting Thurkow Fonds
- Arendina Kroese Stichting
- Stichting Bouwstenen voor de Dierenbescherming
- DVR Stichting
- Stichting Elise Mathilde Fonds
- Haëlla Stichting
- Bredius Stichting
- Nederlandse Vereniging tot Bescherming van Dieren (Rotterdam, Hilversum, Bussum branches)
- The Dutch Ministry of Agriculture and Nature.
Building costs acclimatisation areas and the construction of an extra watering source
The Foundation provided the financial means for the Przewalski horse acclimatization areas in Hustai National Park (€ 45,000.00). She also financed the installation of an extra watering source (€ 5,000) and a feasibility study regarding the construction of a small cheese producing factory in one of the villages (€ 3,500.00).
MACNE’s financial contribution
From 1990 until 1993 the Mongolian Association for Conservation of Nature and Enironment (MACNE) contributed some € 100,000.00 to the Project. MACNE endowed the lay on of the electricity grid, the building of a small administrative centre, road repair and some other activities.